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3 Best Practices for Subchapter V Small Business Bankruptcies

By Edelboim Lieberman |

The Subchapter V bankruptcy process allows small businesses to achieve the benefits of a Chapter 11 filing without many of the costs and drawbacks that have traditionally made Chapter 11 filings unviable for smaller companies. Just like a traditional Chapter 11 filing, the purpose of a Subchapter V filing is to reorganize the company’s… Read More »

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Year In Review: Key Insights on Chapter 11 for Small Business Owners Considering Bankruptcy in 2024

By Edelboim Lieberman |

It’s been a tough year for many small businesses in Florida. From the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic to Hurricane Idalia, various issues negatively impacted small business owners who could do little but face the consequences of factors that were beyond their control. For small businesses that are struggling heading into 2024, it… Read More »

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How Do You Deal with Issues That Arise After a Real Estate Closing?

By Edelboim Lieberman |

Once you close a real estate deal, you expect to be able to move on to the next one. You expect things to go according to plan, and you expect that the effort you put into getting to closing will be enough to protect you going forward. But what if things don’t go according… Read More »

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7 Critical (and All-Too-Common) Mistakes in Small Business Bankruptcy Cases

By Edelboim Lieberman |

Filing for bankruptcy under Chapter 11 can help a small business restore its financial stability. But, this assumes that the business’s owners navigate the bankruptcy process correctly. Mistakes can prove costly, and while a Miami bankruptcy litigation attorney can help business owners avoid many of these mistakes, business owners must do their part to… Read More »

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What Types of Evidence Are Discoverable in Financial Fraud Litigation in Florida?

By Edelboim Lieberman |

When dealing with financial fraud, knowing that your company has been defrauded and proving that it has been defrauded are different matters entirely. Recovering fraudulent financial losses in litigation requires evidence that is sufficient to convince the judge or jury that an award of damages is warranted. Likewise, convincing a defendant to settle requires… Read More »

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How Can (and Should) Business Owners Streamline the Bankruptcy Process?

By Edelboim Lieberman |

When seeking to reorganize your company’s debts so that it can continue operating, an informed approach is critical. Not only can mistakes and oversights lead to unnecessary challenges and delays, but in some cases, they can jeopardize the entire bankruptcy process. The more business owners can streamline the process, the fewer unnecessary risks they… Read More »

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End-of-Year Bankruptcy Considerations for Small Business Owners

By Edelboim Lieberman |

It’s been a tough year for many small businesses. From rising interest rates to challenges with hiring and retaining high-performing employees, many small business owners have struggled to find a path to profitability. With the end of the year fast approaching, it is natural for many struggling business owners to start thinking about bankruptcy…. Read More »

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My Company Has Been Sued—What Now?

By Edelboim Lieberman |

Your company has been sued. It happens. Sooner or later, most successful companies will face one type of lawsuit or another. When your company is facing a lawsuit, resolving the plaintiff’s claims without unnecessary liability involves taking the same informed and strategic approach that you take to all other business-related matters. So, what now?… Read More »

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Understanding Your Options When a Customer or Client Files for Bankruptcy Protection

By Edelboim Lieberman |

The U.S. Bankruptcy Code provides substantial protections to companies that file under Chapter 7 and Chapter 11. However, these protections are not absolute, and the Bankruptcy Code recognizes that creditors have a legitimate interest in enforcing their right to payment as well. As a result, when a customer or client files for bankruptcy, its… Read More »

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What Terms Should Be Included in a Settlement Agreement?

By Edelboim Lieberman |

Many business contract disputes are resolved via settlement. Settling a dispute avoids the costs and inherent uncertainty of litigation, and it allows both parties to get back to business as usual. While most settlements involve one party paying the other, the amount of the settlement is just one of several key terms. All of… Read More »

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