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Category Archives: Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

7 Key Considerations for Operating Sustainably After a Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

By Edelboim Lieberman |

Going through a Chapter 11 bankruptcy provides the opportunity to reorganize a company’s debts so that it can remain in business. This distinguishes Chapter 11 bankruptcies from other types of filings, and it makes working with a Miami Chapter 11 bankruptcy lawyer an attractive option for companies that have a clear vision for the… Read More »

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Staving Off Chapter 11: When Is (and Isn’t) It Feasible to Avoid a Business Bankruptcy?

By Edelboim Lieberman |

When a company is struggling financially, filing for bankruptcy under Chapter 11 is an option that allows the company to stay in business while it works to regain financial stability. But, in this scenario, pursuing reorganization under Chapter 11 is not necessarily the only option that is available. Struggling companies may have a variety… Read More »

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The “Basics” of Chapter 11 Bankruptcy—According to the U.S. Courts

By Edelboim Lieberman |

If you search for information about the Chapter 11 bankruptcy process online, one of the first resources you’ll likely find is a resource published by the U.S. Courts called “Chapter 11 – Bankruptcy Basics.” But, if you click on this resource, you’ll find that it is anything but basic. It is long and dense,… Read More »

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5 Common Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Mistakes to Avoid

By Edelboim Lieberman |

While reorganizing a company’s debts under Chapter 11 can provide much-needed financial stability and establish a solid foundation for future growth, achieving these outcomes requires an informed approach. Company owners and executives who are contemplating a Chapter 11 filing need to be confident that they are making informed decisions, and they need to be… Read More »

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10 Key Provisions in Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code

By Edelboim Lieberman |

For many businesses in financial distress, reorganizing their debts through a Chapter 11 bankruptcy is the best path forward. Reorganizing allows businesses to get back on solid financial footing without liquidating their assets—and, with only rare exceptions, business owners can continue to run their companies without interference from a bankruptcy trustee.  With that said,… Read More »

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Reorganization Plans Under Chapter 11: What Business Owners in Florida Need to Know

By Edelboim Lieberman |

When going through a business bankruptcy Under Chapter 11, a key step in the process is securing confirmation of the business’s reorganization plan. While businesses can often eliminate some of their debts through the Chapter 11 bankruptcy process, the primary focus is on developing a reorganization plan that allows the business to pay its… Read More »

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Pros and Cons of Chapter 11 Bankruptcy for Companies in Financial Distress

By Edelboim Lieberman |

Like most business decisions, choosing to file for bankruptcy under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code can have both pros and cons. While hiring a Miami Chapter 11 bankruptcy lawyer can make sense in a wide range of circumstances, it isn’t necessarily the best choice for all companies that are in financial distress…. Read More »

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Filing for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Again: When Does It Make Sense to Pursue a “Chapter 22?”

By Edelboim Lieberman |

Filing for bankruptcy under Chapter 11 affords the opportunity for struggling companies to restore their financial stability, rebuild their credit and start looking toward the future. But, there are no guarantees and even companies that emerge from Chapter 11 with what initially looks like a manageable payment plan will often find themselves struggling to… Read More »

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How Can Debtors Defend Against a Motion for Relief from an Automatic Stay?

By Edelboim Lieberman |

For businesses in financial distress, one of the most immediate benefits of filing for bankruptcy under Chapter 11 is triggering the automatic stay. The automatic stay prevents creditors from seeking to enforce their claims, and it provides debtors the opportunity to work through the bankruptcy process without the risk of being declared in default…. Read More »

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Seeking Relief from the Automatic Stay: Protecting Creditors’ Rights During the Bankruptcy Process

By Edelboim Lieberman |

Customer and client bankruptcies can present significant risks for creditors. Chapter 7 and Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code both provide opportunities for filers to significantly reduce (if not eliminate) their debt obligations, and Subchapter 5 of Chapter 11 allows small business filers to do so with limited creditor involvement. As a result,… Read More »

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